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5 Tips to Boost Your Logistics Operations

1. Make your employees satisfied.

It is critical, especially for warehouse staff, that the devices they use be familiar. Not every technology advancement is appropriate for every industry, and it is not appropriate for every user. As a result, it is vital to assess whether the investment made is familiar to the employee and to have a thorough understanding of the employee.In fact, making employees happy is the most effective way to enhance logistics processes.

For example, because standard handheld terminals weigh between 500 and 1000 grams, the employee's satisfaction is influenced by moving the terminal from place to place in the warehouse. The employee's efficiency is reduced and he/she is dissatisfied as a result of continuous pick-and-drop, having to carry the terminal with her/him, and the heaviness of the terminal, which most likely is carried for hours.

2. Master the data and always look for ways to optimize.

Having up-to-date and correct data is probably one of the most essential strategies to improve the efficiency of logistics operations. When the data of employee actions, warehouse stocks, product acceptance, and goods issuance operations is continuously stored and updated, it allows warehouse processes to be more efficient and employee productivity to be measured.

Thread in Motion's smart gloves are easy to integrate, install, and keep data flowing continuously and up-to-date, which is useful for employees in terms of data control and for the firm in terms of determining and optimizing KPIs.It's easier to stay ahead of the competition by offering the tools needed to focus on current data rather than past data, and to make realistic decisions as well as strategies.


3. Pay attention to the picking operations.

Without a doubt, picking makes up more than half of the logistical operation. As a result, picking operations are where the majority of the issues occur. Metrics like acquiring the right commodities, finding the nearest and most accurate picking location, and making procedures leaner should all be measured correctly and optimized accordingly while picking. As a result, productivity and efficiency would increase.

Using TIM goods, for example, you can easily ensure that personnel at various ends of the warehouse carry out tasks from the shortest distance possible while picking. TIM smart gloves instruct your staff where to do the next picking, and if they make a mistake, the device alerts them with sound, vibration, and text. As a result, employee satisfaction and productivity improve.

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4. Believe in technological advancements.

Evolving and expanding technology in every part of our life, also affects the industries. In the automotive industry, for example, better WMSs, light picking systems, and robots have become more common. In a changing and evolving ecosystem, it has become vital to select the most appropriate technology from among the available options. Correctly determining KPIs and measuring ROI have risen to the top of the list of things to consider when integrating new technology.

If you want to evaluate your return on investment before making a purchase, use the TIM ROI Calculator to see how much time and money TIM products can save you.

5. Change your handheld terminals.

Many tasks in logistics operations, such as picking, sorting, and sequencing, are all related to barcode scanning. The fact that handheld terminal technology is up to date and simple to use is at the heart of logistics operations.

When choosing a handheld terminal, people in professions like LCA Engineering must examine technical elements like the range of the handheld terminal and ease of integration, as well as how ergonomic it is.TIM smart gloves have great features when it comes to changing portable terminals because they are only 35 grams, give convenience to employees such as hands-free functionality, and are specifically intended to meet the needs of customers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to enhance your productivity by 50%.

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