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Smart Gloves Use Cases

The manufacturing and logistics industries have begun the transition from industry 4.0 to industry 5.0. Each field in manufacturing, in particular, had to keep up with the new era's industry 4.0, which demanded faster, higher-quality, and traceable processes.

Today's competitive climate requires the application of new technology. Digitalization, cybersecurity, robots, and automation are all part of Industry 4.0. When making a new investment in a business, the goal is to achieve optimum efficiency at the lowest possible cost. Industry 5.0 aspires to digitize machinery and the existing workforce as well as robotic automation.

The needs and demands in the logistics business, particularly in recent years, have shown the importance of speeding up procedures and making them traceable. When it comes to digitizing the human, wearable technologies come first.

Smart gloves can be utilized in a variety of applications and provide a variety of benefits in a wide range of industries. A couple of them are listed below.

1- Kanban in the Manufacturing Industry

Smart gloves make activities like transporting depleted supplies from the warehouse a lot easier, and they also let you know when something is wrong. Personnel working on the sidelines, for example, provide immediate notification by entering the missing part notification using gloves. As a result, this notification is reflected in task lists, and operations are completed in a complete, error-free, and timely manner.

The software platform, in conjunction with the smart glove system, can evaluate a variety of data, including spaghetti diagrams. Mercedes-Benz, for example, uses TIM gloves in side-by-side material handling procedures.

2- Smart Gloves in the Manufacturing Industry

For efficient operations, parameters such as part traceability, assembly time, and tag time should be examined. Due to the need for pick-up and drop-off, as well as the difficulty of handling and use, conventional handheld terminals situated next to the line produce inefficiencies.

Because of their ability to read from a distance of up to 1 kilometer, their working capacity regardless of the line side, their location on the hand, and their ergonomic form, TIM smart gloves can save up to 4 seconds in each assembly process.

It may also evaluate data from the devices by tracking hand movements and documenting that the assembly is carried out in the proper order in successive operations. As a result, it can help you save up to 30 million seconds per day. Mercedes-Benz and Renault, for example, have implemented this technology into their processes.

3- Quality Control with Smart Gloves

In the manufacturing industry, parts on the visible surface are always analyzed at the same angle and light intensity with fixed cameras. Current methods, on the other hand, are insufficient for analyzing parts that are not visible from the inside. The image processing feature of TIM smart gloves aids in the production of higher-quality products by assessing parts regardless of light intensity.

Furthermore, the job lists supplied to working staff, as well as their easy tracking and optimization, provide quality assurance.

4- Picking Operations in Logistics and Manufacturing Industries

Picking is the operation in the logistics industry where the greatest errors occur, regardless of whether it is order-based or multiple/bulk picking processes. Hands-free use, operational traceability, and ergonomics all help to speed up operations, resulting in a time gain in processes.

Many 3PL, e-commerce, and retail firms aim to earn up to 54 percent in picking operations. See how Carrefour warehouses use TIM smart gloves.

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5- Sorting in Manufacturing and Logistics Sectors

It is critical that the correct products are placed on the correct shelves in order to avoid mistakes. The proper sorting of products allows the process to be regulated right from the start. As a result, the rate of error in the remaining portions will be lower.

TIM smart gloves outperform handheld terminals in tasks like determining which shelf products are on during sorting activities. The ROI Calculator can help you figure out how much money TIM products would annually save.

6- Goods Receiving in Manufacturing and Logistics Industries

In today's environment, warehouse and logistics activities are open 24 hours a day. It's crucial to be quick when it comes to providing customer service and tracking things in and out of the warehouse. The consumer will receive the order faster if warehousing activities are completed quickly.

When compared to other operations, receiving items takes less time and effort. However, in terms of client satisfaction, it is critical to accept the items as full and error-free during the procedure.

Customers will be dissatisfied if products are expired, broken, or cracked, and this discontent should be rectified as soon as possible. At this stage, TIM smart gloves can do more than just read barcodes; they can also do quality control tasks.

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